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really cool arg elements and really cool aesthetic and vibe (the png characters)


What do you do after you see the email about the hostage

2007: I love you
He knows what he does 

911 what's your emergency?


It was a great experience!


i really didnt want to go down that damn hallway. ;-; (good game tho i enjoyed it)


8 out of ten smeely rooom flies

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When I looked in room 2 after turning on the lights gave me a mini heart attack! I didn't expect him to just be standing there making noise! It was a good game tho ngl. But still.... mini heart attacks XD

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oh nvm


Hey! I forgot to mention, your game was yesterday's Daily OOM! (Daily Strange Thing 👍).

Oh thank you, very cool

hey just so you know you can noclip the camera and see into the void in cam-02 if you just turn right 


Cool easter egg.

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i dont understand what to do


This was...interesting.

Are you supposed to release the flies?

I kind of don't want to because it's my job to make sure they don't get free.


I also just figured out if you stand sideways next to the desk and hit 3 you become invisible. I AM PAPER MAN!

Secret ending unlocked!

I liked this game. I think it has a lot of potential for a full, or at least expanded, release. The ARG elements specifically are something I have been wanting to implement or see implemented in a game for a long time, and the hints were well implemented, if not a bit obvious.

I absolutely love this hehe, the dude actually spooked me every time I had to go back to call the number.

Although, it is harder for some players I assume, as you have to use a specific cipher on a specific set of letters that simply seem to be some type of website. LOVE THE GAME- Just maybe add a hint or two in the future? Took me forever to find the one I was looking for and had to search up the answer ;-;

I'm happy you enjoyed it :)

It is actually really smartly designed lol :D

Have a nice day my dude

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Eurrrrr, brx fdq mxvw hqwhu -edvh64- NTUxIDM3NSAzNDEz dw wkh ehjlqqlqj dqg ilqlvk wkh jdph. :)

------Bye bye flies. :(------


well I don’t like games that artificially make it so you can’t finish 


Well I don't think this one is a code at all

Nope. Its just f;jkgn;ejrng;ogn;sejgnsjv'oiasj'sfjg;kjeaneg;lkeajnvdkflmng;relajtn;lmdng...or  is it??????????????

dun dun DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;)

“Thats fine man, its an AMAZING game nonetheless, and everyone has their own taste. If I had extra money, I would definitely support you. :)”

That’s this decoded


this is fun

Bkqbo fq tebob?


all the flies flew away...


ive learned how to speedrun this game in under a min

Post it on lol


i???? hate???? this???? game???????

this was so good but that was actually SCARY??? i wasn't expecting it i full on fell off my bed. (im talking about the man)

but that was really good 10/10!


What a whirlwind 

i was terrified bro... like scared shitless but i loved it!! there's so much mystery around it, i couldn't help but wonder was going on. thanks for the awesome game!!! :)


fuck you bro i was pissing in my pants. anyway your game is on fire,i really liked it. unfortunatly it hasn't other endings :(((  (sorry for the bad english but i'm from another country,yk how it goes)


glad you enjoyed

Hope you have extra pants :)

what do you do win you git the 2 E mail im stuck :(


There are some great walkthroughs on!


I love this game! I like the ceasar cipher part, I used to be a sucker for deciphering codes and ciphers. This is so good and short. I just want to know more about the whole thing.. what's the experiments for? What makes them dangerous? Because it just ended without any explanations so...


Really creepy, super fun to play :)  the spam emails really put you back in 2007 lmao


ah to be young again

Really great and bizarre horror game :) here's the review and guide I wrote.  Highly recommend trying to figure it out on your own for a bit though!

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finished good game you should make a sequel it was a bit short (i am not comlaining if it was l0nger i would have shat myself) got scare hard and now ı love horror games where you acctually have to get out of the game to a website to finish the game an solve puzzles

What do you mean sequel?

I am glad you liked the ARG website format :)

help ı am stuck ı just started ı read the spoiler in the comments and i do not understan how do we solve ceaser - 3  ohhh  ceaser code omg ı am dumb 


very good game, all the arg elements worked like a charm, and once I figured out that it had arg elements seemed to be quite fitting, and it was fun to learn how to do a caesar-3 cypher, all in all, great job, the flies were my favorite character

Thanks :)

I am happy you enjoyed it and learned something.

The flies like you too.

this is so ominous, thank you


how do i release them?

im scared- the man is staring at me.


it will be ok :)


i don't know what to do now i'm at the part where i got the email from the guy who says my friend is held hostage and i cant go to camera two at all i can only go to desk computer and camera one.


You will need to solve CAESAR 3

do i have to pay for the eng ver

It is the same as the online one.

Is there another ending?

No not currently

NICE i got to release the flies 😎 cool game

10/10 good job


i'm too scared to play it :(


it's okay there's only like one jumpscare 


wew i thought i had to run for my life lol. super cool game. you nailed the atmosphere and the sounds.


this was great. i love arg games and the horror was well done.


Appreciated :)


this is such a good game, but once i unlock cam 3, I can't walk. WASD don't work, no keys on my keyboard work. I even tried clicking and dragging. This is probably a glitch but still annoying. spent like 20 minutes on this just for it to break ;-;

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Oh no :(

I'm not sure what would cause that. If you enter in the last phone number you can skip to the end and try again. That's all I can say.


you need to use the desk cam


oh right. I forgot that was needed. Thanks so much haha 

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The real flies were the friends we made along the way




oh never mind, those are the real flies


Okay, so, I've used a caesar shifter and I typed in "" but it isn't working!


that is so weird because when I click that link it works for me.


open your eyes  555-990-9413  salvation is only a call away
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